Tips dan Trik Mendapat Tiket Pesawat Murah
Pasar Bolu Rantepao
Toraja Utara
Wisata Asyik di Singapura
Tau-tau, An Unique Statue From Toraja
The things that you can only see at Toraja, South Sulawesi. The ancient tombs in the rock which located at Lemo Village. You can see several "Tau tau" guarding at the tombs entrance.
Tau tau is a statue which made of the wood, but it isnt an ordinary statue. Tau tau represents the deceased inside the tomb. Not all of the people can made into a Tau tau, just for the Noblemen. And not all of the noblemen can made into a Tau tau. Its only can made if the family of the nobleman deceased give at least 24 buffalos at the Rambu Solo (Death Ceremony) as tributes.
At the first, this wooden statue were dressed and carved simply, just to show the gender of the deceased. But after several years, however, this statue is become more similar to the deceased who represented the Tau tau.
The types of wood and clothes used for the statue are also reflect the status and wealth of the deceased.
Unfortunately this wooden statues became a target for the grave robbers. They sold it to the museum just for maney. What a stupid crime.
My Personal Traveling Records
“Enjoy the journey, not destination!”
Singapore Zoo
Pasar Burung Sukahaji Bandung
Upacara Tumpek Kandang
Penyusuran Pantai Ujung Genteng – Pantai Loji
Lapisan dan Status Sosial Suku Toraja
Adu Kerbau di Pasar Bolu
Tongkonan Tana Toraja
- · Tongkonan digunakan oleh orang Toraja sebagai tempat tinggal atau pun sebagai pusat pertemuan keluarga. Setiap orang memiliki lebih dari satu Tongkonan yang bisa ditempati, karena sistem kekeluargaan suku Toraja ini bersifat bilateral.